Happy Birthday to Frieda

Happy Birthday to Frieda

Finally the time has come, Frieda is turning 5! In addition, the sun comes out and spring shows its beautiful face. Sure, we'll put a few i:SY E5s in front of the door.

Of course, Cindy can't help it and goes for a little lap in front of the store. She's laughing with happiness, that's for sure. And things are looking good in Lübeck too - our shop shines in fresh orange and lets all the i:SY bikes and accessories shine.

Cindy with the beautiful i:SY N3.8

She's beaming with happiness - no wonder: she's traveling in Ratzeburg with the i:SY N3.8

All i:SY e-bikes also available for company bike leasing

Our i:SY store in LübeckFrieda unpacks presents