You can't get more color: the color gradient that runs completely around the basket always makes the basket appear different from different angles! A really great effect, both when clicked into the i:SY front carrier KLICKfix® and when shopping.
Made of water-repellent material, with a practical inner pocket and a textile top that can be closed with a drawstring to protect the contents of the basket.
Material : polyester Volume : 15 l Weight : approx. 960 g
Your i:SY accessories will be securely packaged and delivered to your home with GLS or DHL.
You can't get more color: the color gradient that runs completely around the basket always makes the basket appear different from different angles! A really great effect, both when clicked into the i:SY front carrier KLICKfix® and when shopping.
Made of water-repellent material, with a practical inner pocket and a textile top that can be closed with a drawstring to protect the contents of the basket.
Material : polyester Volume : 15 l Weight : approx. 960 g